Sunday, April 29, 2012

Petroleum Geology

Editor / Author : R.E. Chapman
Publisher : Elsevier Science Ltd (December 1983)


Number of Pages :  415
File Type : PDF

The fascination of petroleum geology lies both in its complexity and in its importance to society. There is still much that we do not understand; and there is much to learn if remaining undiscovered reserves of oil and gas are to be found economically. It is also good geology with a healthy practical component.

The great advances in geological thought and understanding in the 19th Century were based largely on the construction of coal mines, railways and canals. But this was almost two-dimensional geology of the land, bounded by the low-tide line. In the last 30 years or so, geology has moved offshore onto the continental shelves and ocean floors, largely under the stimulus of petroleum exploration, and with it has grown a great wealth of geological information.

In “Petroleum Geology: a Concise Study” (published by Elsevier in 1973, with the paperback edition in 1976) I attempted to focus on those elements of petroleum geology that seemed to be amenable to synthesis and to provide a broader understanding of some significant processes in petroleum geology. Since then, there has been an even more spectacular growth in the quality and quantity of geological information. We are still being buried under a mountain of empirical data.

This book is the child of the first. It was no longer possible, or even desirable, to follow the format of the first book, although I have no reason to wish to change the main conclusions in it. Once again, I have tried to present the subject in a way that will also interest the student who does not intend to follow a career in the petroleum industry. I hope also that, like its predecessor, this book will also interest those with some experience in the industry. My purpose here is to present a view of petroleum geology that may also contribute something to our understanding of wider aspects of geology. I have only paraphrased the works of others in essential outline. References to topics not considered here in detail are given at the end of each chapter, as are references to works that present a different view or interpretation. The reader is encouraged to delve into the literature because it is exciting.

Fundamental of Well - log interpretation

Editor / Author : Oberto Serra
Publisher : Elsevier Science Ltd (May 1984)


Number of Pages :  423
File Type : PDF

The relentless search for elusive hydrocarbon reserves demands that geologists and reservoir engineers bring into play more and more expertise, inventiveness and ingenuity. To obtain new data from the subsurface requires the continual refinement of equipment and techniques.

This book describes! the various well-logging equipment at the disposal of geologists and reservoir engineers today. It follows two volumes on carbonates, also published by Elf Aquitaine.

One can never over-emphasize the importance to the geological analysis of basins, and sedimentology in general, of the information which drilling a borehole makes available to us. But this data would be incomplete, even useless, if not complemented by certain new techniques-well-logging in particularwhich represent a tremendous source of information both about hydrocarbons and the fundamental geology of the rocks.

It required considerable enthusiasm and a determination to succeed on the part of the author to bring the present work to its culmination, while at the same time performing the daily duties of Manager of the Log Analysis Section of the Exploration Dept. at Elf Aquitaine.

Such qualities, indeed, earned Oberto Serra the first Marcel Roubault award on March 21st, 1974, in just recognition of “work concerned with methods and techniques, or with ideas and concepts, which have led to important progress in the exploration for, and development of, natural energy resources, the discovery of new reservoirs, or the accomplishment of major works”. The judges recognized in particular an invaluable liaison between the spirit of the naturalist, constantly tempered by reality, and the rigorous training of a physicist and informatician-bringing to the field of geological analysis all the facets of modern technology.

Paraffin Products Properties Technologies Applications

Editor / Author : G. Mózes
Publisher : Elsevier Science Ltd (1982)


Number of Pages :  335
File Type : PDF

On a world-wide basis, the share of petroleum waxes related to the total o petroleum products is tiny. In 1975, for example, only 1.5 million tons of paraffin waxes were produced from a total output of 2,700 million tons of crude oil, thus amounting to only 0.06%. Even if lower molecular weight paraffin products are included, the share - as compared to other petroleum products - remains insignificant.

When, however, the greatly varied direct applications of solid and liquid paraffins in industry, and their utilization as raw materials in the petrochemical industry are considered, their importance becomes immediately obvious. For this reason it appeared of interest to summarize - without claiming completeness - the basic facts and data on the manufacture, applications, physico-chemical and chemical properties of these products in a monograph suited to both research and to industrial audiences. Nomenclature is also discussed.

This English edition is a revised version of the Hungarian original. It includes the most recent information available to the authors on the topics covered.