Saturday, April 21, 2012

Oil Shale

Editor / Author : By Teh Fu Yen, G.V. Chilingarian, T.F. Yen
Publisher : Elsevier Science Ltd (January 1976)

ISBN : 978-0444413987

Number of Pages :  292

File Type : PDF

In 1694 the British Crown issued Patent Number 330 to Martin Eele and his colleagues who reported to have found a way to extract and make great quantities of pitch, tar and oil out of a “sort of stone”. This is the first verified report of oil products derived from oil shale. In the March 1874 issue of Scientific Americun, there was a news item that during the construction of a railroad in the Green River region, workmen piled together a few pieces of excavated rock as protection from a dinner fire and soon observed the stone itself ignited. This marked the first discovery of oil shale in North America, the tri-state area of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, which has one of the most abundant single deposits of organic-rich shale. By the 1920’s, the development of oil shale was considerable, especially in the United States. Actually, a journal was published entitled The Shale Review to establish communication between different areas of oil-shale technology. In the interim years, there were ups and downs for the actual development of oil shale for practical uses. Although a progress was made in several locations of the world in commercial utilization of oil shales, a full development of this industry was not achieved.

Up to this time, thousands of patents have been issued on the theme of retorting of oil shale. There is, however, very little basic knowledge of oilshale science and technology available, especially in a complete text and monograph form. Therefore, we undertook the responsibility of inviting a group of internationally known oil-shale experts to furnish background information on different aspects of oil-shale science and technology. The coverage ranges from origin, distribution, mineralogy, and chemistry to the exploration, engineering and environmental considerations of this important energy source, oil shale. The purpose of the present endeavor is to stimulate further growth of the maturing oil-shale industry. I t can be stated that without the fundamental knowledge of oil-shale science and technology, the technological growth will be retarded.

We take this opportunity to thank the contributors for their patience in developing this book. We also express our thanks to the publishers for their farsight and cooperation. 

Geomorphology of oil and gas fields in sandstone bodies

Editor / Author :
Publisher : Elsevier Science Ltd (January 1976)


Number of Pages :  341

File Type : PDF

This book is essentially about stratigraphic traps for oil and gas. Many of the examples discussed are geomorphologic features having inherent closures without any secondary structural element; others are primarily geomorphologic features modified by folding or faulting t o produce local closures. The first category comprises traps that are purely stratigraphic, although the accumulation of hydrocarbons may have been assisted by regional or local tilting of the strata, or by deformation caused by compaction of the underlying sediments. The second category, which includes a much larger number of know examples, comprises structural-stratigraphic traps. Many of these traps have proved t o be elusive, particularly those of the first category which commonly defy detection by seismic methods. In some cases, discovery has been accidental, and further exploration t o delineate the accumulation has been empirical.

The purport of this book is to briefly present examples illustrating the main geological characteristics of geomorphologic features that have controlled or influenced the accumulation of oil and gas in particular fields, with a view to using such examples as models in the search for new fields in sandstone bodies. Many of the examples presented have been so well documented that they stand as classic examples of stratigraphic fields in which oil and gas accumulations are controlled by geomorphologic features. Others have yet t o be defined unequivocally, but are included as additional references to assist in the interpretation of geophysical and sub-surface geological data.

The author is indebted t o the many geologists who have written about the hydrocarbon accumulations and geological features described herein, without whose efforts it would not have been possible to compile this book. The purport of this book is to briefly present examples illustrating the main

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Aggregate contribution to hot mix asphalt hma performance

Editor / Author : Thomas D. White, Sam R. Johnson, Jhon J. Yzenas
Publisher : ASTM (November, 2001)

ISBN : -

Number of Pages :  204

File Type : PDF

The effects of nominal maximum aggregate size (NMS), coarse aggregate type, fine aggregate angularity (FAA), and gradation types on HMA rutting performance were evaluated using the Purdue Laboratory Wheel Track Device (PURWheel). Correlation between PURWheel and Indiana Department of Transportation/Purdue University (INDOT/Purdue) Accelerated Pavement Tests (APT) was used as an initial step to field pavement rutting performance evaluation. Test results showed that PURWheel and APT are well correlated. This is positive because the traffic loading and compaction method used in the prototype scale APT is essentially identical to field conditions.

Advanced testing and characterization of bituminous materials

Editor / Author : Andreas Loizos, Manfred N. Partl, Tom Scarpas, Imad L. Al-Qadi
Publisher : CRC Press (May, 2009)


Number of Pages :  1318

File Type

Bituminous materials are used to build durable roads that sustain diverse environmental conditions. However, due to their complexity and a global shortage of these materials, their design and technical development present several challenges. Advanced Testing and Characterisation of Bituminous Materials focuses on fundamental and performance testing of binders and asphaltic mixtures. The contributions demonstrate that modern experimental material characterization techniques, sophisticated constitutive modeling, and innovative design provide appropriate tools for pavement performance prediction. The book is of interest to academics and engineers in pavement and road engineering.

Handbook of Transportation Engineering

Editor / Author : Myer Kutz
Publisher : McGraw-Hill (2004)


Number of Pages :  937

File Type : PDF

This is a comprehensive, problem-solving engineering guide on the strategic planning, development, and maintenance of public and private transportation systems. Covering all modes of transportation on land, air, and water, the Handbook shows how to solve specific problems, such as facility improvement, cost reduction, or operations optimization at local, regional, national, and international levels. 

The Handbook of Highway Engineering

Editor / Author : T. F. Fwa
Publisher : CRC Press (September , 2005)

ISBN : 978-0-8493-1986-0

Number of Pages :  847

File Type

Modern highway engineering reflects an integrated view of a road system's entire lifecycle, including any potential environmental impacts, and seeks to develop a sustainable infrastructure through careful planning and active management. This trend is not limited to developed nations, but is recognized across the globe. Edited by renowned authority T.F. Fwa, The Handbook of Highway Engineering provides a comprehensive, up-to-date treatment of all aspects of highway development and engineering. Its three sections range from consideration of socio-economic and environmental factors to design, construction, maintenance, and management.

Beginning with financing, access management, environmental impacts, road safety, and noise, the book explores the expanded responsibilities of the modern highway engineer as well as the increasing trend toward privatization of project development and financing. The next section considers technical issues in highway and pavement engineering, including materials, new mechanistic-empirical design approaches, and new closed-form solutions for backcalculation as well as deflection and stress computation in multi-slab systems. Rounding out the discussion, the final section examines construction, management, performance evaluation including nondestructive testing, and a chapter devoted to highway asset management.

Featuring contributions from eminent experts representing eight countries on four continents, The Handbook of Highway Engineering supplies all of the tools needed to manage the entire integrated process of modern highway development and engineering.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Abnormal Formation Pressures

Editor / Author : Walter H. Fertl
Publisher : Elsevier Science Ltd (June 1976)

: 978-0444413284

Number of Pages
: 382

File Type : PDF

When Fertl's first book, Abnormal Formation Pressures, was published by Elsevier in 1976, the topic was relatively new in book form. In the years that followed, his book became the standard work for petroleum engineers and drillers. The list of major petroleum provinces with abnormally high pore pressures has grown steadily over the years, and with it has grown our knowledge and experience. There have also been technological advances. A new book was required, but no longer could the topic be covered adequately by one person. The problems of abnormally high formation pressures encountered in the subsurface while drilling for petroleum are very diverse, involving geologists, geophysicists, reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, and borehole logging engineers. The acute anticipation of such pressures before drilling has become possible with modern technology. This book treats these developments and covers the following topics: world occurrences, the geology of abnormal pore pressures and the background theory, reservoir engineering aspects of abnormally pressured reservoirs, detection of abnormal pressures by geophysical methods before drilling and during drilling, and their evaluation after drilling. It examines the special problems of shallow hazards from shallow abnormal pressures, and relief-well engineering to control blowouts. It also examines the generation of abnormal pressures from hydrocarbon generation in the Rocky Mountains, and the distribution of abnormal pressures in south Louisiana, USA. The topics are examined from a practical point of view with a theoretical background. There is a glossary of terms, and a relevant practical conversion table. Both SI units and the conventional US oil industry units are used.

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