Publisher : Elsevier Science Ltd (1982)
ISBN : 978-0080868684
Number of Pages : 335
File Type : PDF
On a world-wide basis, the share of petroleum waxes related to the total o petroleum products is tiny. In 1975, for example, only 1.5 million tons of paraffin waxes were produced from a total output of 2,700 million tons of crude oil, thus amounting to only 0.06%. Even if lower molecular weight paraffin products are included, the share - as compared to other petroleum products - remains insignificant.
When, however, the greatly varied direct applications of solid and liquid paraffins in industry, and their utilization as raw materials in the petrochemical industry are considered, their importance becomes immediately obvious. For this reason it appeared of interest to summarize - without claiming completeness - the basic facts and data on the manufacture, applications, physico-chemical and chemical properties of these products in a monograph suited to both research and to industrial audiences. Nomenclature is also discussed.
This English edition is a revised version of the Hungarian original. It includes the most recent information available to the authors on the topics covered.
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