Publisher : Elsevier Science (September , 1981)
ISBN : 0-444-42033-9
Number of Pages : 596
File Type : PDF
This residential symposium is the third in the series of symposia which have been held on the subject of enhanced oil recovery ir, the United Kingdom; the other two being held a t Britannic House of BP in London in May 1977, and at Heriot-Watt University i n Edinburgh in July 1978.
Since 1977, when the first symposium was held i n London, the annual production and the number of fields in operation in the UK sector of the North Sea has roughly doubled and it is perhaps righttore - it erate the remarks of the Chairman of the organising committee of the first meeting. He said that , "There i s an urgent need to decide which enhanced oil recovery techniques are suitable for use in the North Sea. Once this decision is made, the select ed R&D goals should be vigorously pursued, leading, hopefully, to the development of specific tailor-made techniques effective in the individual fields in the North Sea area".
Although these remarks are still valid today, in the inter - vening period throughout Europe significant progress has been made. W e have seen an increase in the number of pilot f ield experiments undertaken by the oil industry, an increase i n the research work carriedout at universities , research institutes and oil company laboratories. A number of Government programmes have been initiated or expanded. Against th s background of an increased R&D activity , some significant , albeittentative , steps in the application of enhanced o i l recovery offshore have been taken.
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